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Showing posts from August, 2010

Flight of Turkish Stars above Ankara

Flight of Turkish Stars above Ankara on the Victory Day .

Old Tarsus Street

Cars and a bicycle boy on his bike at old Tarsus Street Bazaar covered by tents in a hot summer eve.

Secrets of the Old Town

Archaeological excavations at Daniel's Shrine and Mosque at Tarsus. PHOTO: Secrets of Old Town by

Old Street at Tarsus

Old houses at Tarsus city center at summer sunset.

Business in Old Town

Business in old Tarsus city center. Hot in the summer, old streets are linked to another through passages in old shops, following the playful sunlight and hidden dark shadows inside, with vendors, sellers on the streets. This is the old town of Saul, Saint Paul, still having the same glimpses of mysterious ancient times. Maybe you can find Aladdin's Magic Lamp and Alibaba here...

Inside Aladdin's Mosque

Arches, columns and ionic capitals inside Alaaddin's Mosque at Konya, Turkey. PHOTO: Inside Aladdin's Mosque by

Window on the Brick Wall

Medieval arched window on brick wall at Iplikci Mosque of Konya. Turkish Seljuq architecture of 13t century. PHOTO: Window by

Shrine of Rumi

O son, break all the ties and be free, for how long will you be captive of gold and silver? If you try to pour the sea in a pitcher, the pitcher will take only the need of the day. The pitcher of greedy people's eyes is never filled, but an oyster is not satiated unless it is filled with a pearl!

River Cydnus

Mythological River Cydnus at Tarsus of Paul where Alexander the Great swam on the way to Persia.

Selimiye Mosque at Konya

A look inside arched gallery of Selimiye Mosque at Konya in the night. PHOTO: Arched Gallery of Selimiye Mosque at Konya by